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When the heat rises in fresh food processing! Salad with both fruity and tangy quinoas ... to lower the temperature ...

By 10:19

This morning, early morning, I was trying to enjoy the freshness of the eleven in the morning ', when I felt that Mary was watching me from the door no.

When I feel like that, I feel in no time a question will fall and it has not missed ... Say salads you told me you'd do all week ... why already told you  ?

Deceit will always staying in detail before responding with all the simplicity of which I am capable, I still looked malice in his question. Not finding, I began the long list of supposed benefits that would produce my salads ... but at the same time as I stretched the list, I felt that I could say what I wanted and that ultimately she waited. ..

And when I stopped to say out of arguments, she took a deep breath and just dropped a ahmonitoring is therefore for all these reasons that you are transforming the steam in the kitchen with your battery bowls of bubbling .. . the famous deceit ... And that's where I heard myself saying to my four steaming pots with water, oh yeah it's bubbling that refreshes I prepare me although Faillait I cuise my lil ingredients ...

She said nothing, she just left, but I did feel that even his back smiling ...

Two fruity salad with quinoa
Ingredients: 150g cooked white quinoa (early morning) - 100g of red quinoa (you can make your mix to your taste) - 2 small oranges - 1 lime - coconut sugar 1tbs (otherwise brown sugar) - ½ pomegranate ginned - 1 heart sucrine sliced ​​-1 small red onion entirely new finely chopped - 1 nice handful of mint leaves - 5 or 6 finely chopped caramelized hazelnuts - 2 cases of olive oil - Salt and pepper
Raise the supreme oranges and half lime, to raise the supreme remove the outer skin and the membranes that surround every neighborhood, ultimately leaving only the pulp.

Cut the orange into four supreme and those of lime into small pieces.

Crush orange hearts and that of half a lemon and pour the juice collected in a small saucepan. Add the sugar and let reduce everything until it becomes syrupy. Let cool.

When the syrupy juice is cold, reserving a good tablespoon and mix with the oil, a little salt and pepper.
Mix in a bowl the two quinoa, orange, lime, crisp lettuce, onion and pomegranate.

Add the sauce and mix well.

Pour the salad on a plate, garnish with mint leaves and finish by hazelnut and lime zest finely grated. Personally I added some coconut sugar grains but not mandatory. Then enjoy immediately.

But why, good'll have to make gazpacho hands full now ... did I tell you that ...

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