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I Brunche you brunches we brunchons ... for Food Battle! My chakchouka to me ...

By 10:16

Brunch is one of my favorite meals ... This funny ass stuff between breakfast and lunch, during which all pleasures are allowed, from morning coffee to the dessert ...

And when I saw that Sandra had the right idea in his kitchen Addict offer brunch as the theme of the latest edition of the Food Battle, this event created by Jenna on her Bistro Jenna , I thought Good idea! And as Sandra has more fruit, vegetables and eggs in the spotlight I said good good very good idea! And that's what looked like brunch dish of the day ...

My own Shakshouka
Ingredients: 4 bell peppers of all colours - 6 tomatoes - 6 red spring onions - 2 merguez - 1/4tsp cumin seeds - 1/4 tsp coriander seeds - 1/4 tsp paprika (smoked if you have it) - 1 small bunch coriander, leaves picked - 1 Tbsp olive oil - salt & pepper
On an oven rack, place the peppers, the tomatoes, halved and the onions halved as well and put under the hot grill. The time depends on the heat of your grill. I let them grill for 15 minutes. You want them nicely charred. It would be delicious grilled on the BBQ but it is too hot to have the courage and turn on the charcoal.
Let the ingredients warm down. Peel and get rid of the seeds of the peppers. Cut them in cubes, cut the tomatoes in cubes as well, the onions in thick slices, remove the skin of the merguez and crush the meat into smaller pieces.
Heat up a pan and pour some oil in it and put the ingredients in the following order, frying them for a couple of minutes between each: onions, peppers, tomatoes, merguez meat.
Season with salt and pepper, add the spices, place a lid on and let cook on very low heat for about 10 minutes. Place the eggs and cook until… the eggs are done! Then, you just need to sprinkle the coriander, some more spice to your taste before serving.
And if you want to make it a little fresher, I also added a few skinless orange segments at the very last moment.

Ma chakchouka à moi...
Ingredients: 4 peppers of all colors - 6 tomatoes - 6 small new red onions - 2 merguez - ¼ tsp cumin seeds - ¼ tsp coriander seeds - ¼ tsp paprika (if you have smoked paprika c ' is better) - 1 small bunch of fresh coriander leaves removed - 1tbs olive oil - Salt and pepper
Place on rack peppers, halved tomatoes, onions cut in half and grill all under a hot grill.The time depends on the heat of your grill, home I roasted for about fifteen minutes, it just everything is golden brown almost burnt, almost! If you want you can also grill at the BBC all this but given the heat I did not have the courage ...

Leave to cool your ingredients. Then peel, fluff your peppers and cut into cubes, cut into cubes as your tomatoes, onions in large slices, pluck your merguez (I feel you'll love translate that ...) and defeats the meat.

Heat a pan with oil and place the ingredients in this order, doing back 2 or 3 minutes between each ingredient, onions, peppers, tomatoes, spicy sausage meat.

Salt and pepper, add spices, cover and cook over very low heat for about ten minutes. Place the eggs, cover and cook until eggs are cooked ...! Then you just have to sprinkle coriander, a little spice if you want to taste and thinking that brunch is a very good time!

And if you want, you can do like me to refresh things a little sprinkling some orange supreme over at the last moment ...

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Et maintenant vous pouvez retrouver toutes les bonnes idées des autres participants....

But why, I had not spoken a gazpacho me ... did I tell you that ...

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